Proper Steak Sandwich
Who doesn’t love a steak sandwich? A vegetarian I suppose. But, vegetarian I am not. This was actually post Feastival, I’d stopped in at my brother’s place and we decided, let’s nip to the butchers, get an Ox Heart, and replicate something we’d seen at Feastival… but, then we realised, it was a bank holiday.
Butcher was shut. Sad times.
So we went to the local supermarket, and picked up some Rump Steak.
But this wasn’t an ordinary steak sandwich we were making, oh no… This was post Feastival. It HAD to be epic. (That’s the law, y’know).
We bought a bunch of steaks, and fired up the BBQ… we got it to nuclear heat, and on they went…

They weren’t on there long; we wanted maximum heat to give it a good searing, but then a really, really long resting period… and of course, we need a bit of butter with the resting….

Whilst the steak was resting, we cooked up some caramelised onions, sliced some parmesan cheese, I think we also used cheddar (it’s possible it was Gouda), and prepared the bread.
Now, the bread….
We decided the only way to do this properly, was by using an entire loaf… split between two. (I think we had 3 or 4 loaves for the 8 of us, the kids having slightly less bread (obviously)).

So, a garlic mayo if I recall, on both sides of bread, cheese, caramelised onion, rocket… it was ready for the steak…. I got slicing…

That was looking good, I was looking forward to this… so onto the final assembly…

Aw yeah. The top of the loaf goes on, sliced in half, and we have one epic sandwich…

It was just awesome. One of the best steak sandwiches I’ve ever had. I often end a post with “What would I do different?” – literally nothing.
It was great, and I suppose if really pressed, I’d say maybe lightly toasting the bottom but that had the slices of cheese on might have made it slightly more awesome, but the key points were:
- The steak was seared at a very high heat, and cooked for a short period of time (it’s impossible to
give times, but for the size steaks you saw, probably 2-3 minutes each side, ish…) - The longest resting period you can possibly go for. Half an hour or more if possible. It really makes a difference. It was in a slightly warm oven (and literally only slightly warm, covered in lots of foil to retain the heat.
- I don’t remember how we made the mayo (sorry we did this around 6 weeks ago, I didn’t make a note at the time, and my brother made it)
- Thinly sliced steak. I’ve done thick slices before because I’m greedy and you want maximum steakage in the sandwich, but the problem is it’s harder to chew; keeping really thin slices means it’s much easier to take a bite
- Those caramelised onions have to be cooked low and slow, and don’t burn them!!
Overall rating, 10/10, would recommend, will do it again.