Pork Belly Ribs, BBQ’d and basted…
I tell you what. Getting the right mix of seasoning, smoking/BBQ’ing time, and then getting the right sauce to baste over pork belly, is something I have – by far spent way too much time practicing. I mean I’ve probably single-handedly gone through 300 pigs. (OK OK… maybe not...
NEW: Mother Sauce, Ribs & Chicken…
I will be going over some of the photo archives and doing some bulk posts soon, but I did this at the weekend and thought I’d do a post about it now, whilst it’s so hot outside, you coul probably get a good sear a steak on the car...
NEW: Curry BBQ Smoked Beef Ribs
So this is a meal I cooked *today*. Currently all the blog posts have been me going through historic photos back to 2020… but I figure, I’ve just done this, so it’s a good time to share. Some time ago, somewhere, somehow… (in other words, I don’t remember) I...
Bakewell Pudding: An irresistible treat…
Just a quick one on this, as I don’t have a lot of photos, but I certainly have been to this place a LOT (well, OK… maybe 3 or 4 times, but for a place that’s hundreds of miles away from me – that’s quite a lot, considering there...
BBQ Rib of Beef (Camping!)
So I mentioned in one of my previous posts about the Cobb BBQ that it was really good at anything you throw at it. I’m not kidding. I think we got a 3 rib of beef from a local farm shop, with the full intention of BBQing it. At...
Brisket on the bone
We’re now in August 2020. When I revived this blog, I started from photos from April/May 2020. So in what I now look back on as a few short months, I’ve been learning as fast as I can how to cook a brisket without ruining it. Well it’s safe...
Camping BBQ: The Cobb
So in 2019 we’d started to get into camping. We’d been going for years, every year, to ‘The Big Feastival’ – which is a 3 day food festival, originally run by or in conjunction with Jamie Oliver. It’s where I’d first tasted some of the most amazing brisket, and...
Brisket: If at first you don’t succeed…
Buy three thousand briskets and keep going. Seriously though, this was a week after the terrible brisket. I was clearly determined. Looking at this cut, this looks much better, and in fact looks like the point end of the brisket (a whole brisket contains ‘the point’ and a ‘flat’...
Brisket. Overcooking. Anger.
So this is back in June 2020. I think this was my fourth, maybe fifth brisket since April. Looking back at the rub I’d used, I’m not sure what it was. It might have just been a few spices that I had in the cupboard. But… I knew when...
Bavette Steak
Pretty sure that’s what this is. I think I’ve only ever done this once, and strangely enough I have one in the fridge right now (that or skirt, I can’t remember what I bought). Anyway, the secret to cooking this (as I’ve been told) is either really quick –...