Rack o’ lamb…
This was a spur of the moment decision. I had no idea what I was going to do with it, nor did I have any experience cooking racks of lamb. I just thought, how hard can it be?
So, I covered it in garlic, oil and salt and pepper and seared it on the outside:

Now I’d do it very differently. I’d cook it, fat side down with nothing on it, and start cooking it on a medium heat to let the fat render. But anyway… that’s not what I did…

In to the oven it went, and without a MEATER or other thermometer, I guess I timed it for a while and then hoped it was done?! (I actually can’t remember, I might have been probing it intermittently).

I remember the end result there and was pretty happy with that. It could have been a tiny bit rarer but it was pink, succulent, tender and the outer crust was quite tasty too!
All in all, goes to show, sometimes if you just go for it, it won’t come out all that bad!