Roast Beef in a roll…

Who doesn’t like a bit of Roast Beef?

I was well acquainted with the butchers by this point of lockdown (I just checked the date and this is *STILL* May 2020!)

But this is still Pre-Harrisons (the butchers I go to now, for all my meaty needs!). Feeling like we hadn’t had enough beef (Brisket doesn’t count, right?) I thought I’d do us some roast beef. The great thing I love about roast beef, apart from the fact it’s roast beef, is that when you’ve eaten all the roast beef you can and you still have roast beef left over, you can have MORE ROAST BEEF LATER!

OK… So what did I get?

Nothing beats a bit of rib – it has to be my all time favourite cut and if I had to only eat one thing for the rest of my life – that would be it. I’ve covered it in what was the early version of my “go to” rub for beef now. That is salt, pepper, garlic and horseradish. Super simple, and I know for a fact I have more photos of other beef ribs I’ve done with my current rub, so I’ll save that for later.

Now, in an ideal world, that’d go straight on the BBQ to sear, before then either going in for a low n slow cook on the BBQ (that’s the sort of thing I could do with the Kamado Joe) or in the oven on a low heat. However, my old kettle BBQ was a bit more aggro / effort to get going and so that just went into the oven on a high heat to sear (gas mark 8 ish) then down to about gas mark 3.

Thinking back to how much I had to keep checking this, because it was Pre-MEATER, I shudder. I’ve got no affiliate links in place (yet 😉 and I make no money from saying this: MEATER changed the way I cook forever.

OK so after a good while in the oven:

Looking at that now, I’m starving. (I’ve actually got a pork shoulder in the oven ready for pulled pork soon… blog post to come 😉 But that beef isn’t done yet.

Truthfully, I’ve no idea why I took it out, or what I was doing with it, but I took a picture so you get to see it! Around two hours later, it looked like this:


I could eat that right up. As you may gather, this featured my ever-so-popular keto rolls:

So we’ve got a beef roll, with a side of beef. Beef fried halloumi, and a rich, beefy reduction with some califlower and brocolli. That beefy reduction was made predominantly with the juices from the beef, boiled down with some beef stock, and perhaps (I can’t imagine I didn’t) a splash (or three) of red wine.

I remember that reduction well, because it didn’t just pack a punch – it packed a sledgehammer. In hindsight now, I’d have added a lot more water to dilute it somewhat, maybe some more wine, and then thickened if needed with a little cornflour or similar. Either way, whew! That was a beefy meal.

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